Freedom Spec 3s Battery Adapter

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Are you looking for a better method of meeting the 460 gram Freedom Spec minimum weight? Do you think taping quarters to the batteries is lame? Well I do! That's why I invented Freedom Spec 3s Battery Adapter. Gain your weight in style with this easy to use battery adapter.

But wait, there's more

This adapter is designed to use a 2200mah 3s battery with my 5s strap. The boost in height is meant to allow more room for the strap buckle. The adapter is designed with a slot which will fit a quarter, or lower denominations in the interest of adding more weight. The width of the adapter is 36mm and should fit a variety of 3s 2200's.

Final printed TPU weighs in at 3.3g, with a quarter it weighs about 9g.

FRS3sSpacer: 5mm spacer

FRS3sSpacer2: 8mm spacer

Freedom Spec Battery Adapter with quarter for weight

For more information about the 2021 Freedom Spec Championship visit:

Freedom Spec 2021